(30,000 inhabitants; 209m a.s.l.; zip code 97013; area code 0932)
stands on a plain at the foot of the Iblean Mountains. The road
leading up to Ragusa, notably the final stretch, provides impressing
views of the Ippari Valley and the coast. The country-side is densely
populated, most due to presence of factories and hothouse plantations.
Richest in water reserves, Comiso is among the most fertile and
top agricultural producers of Sicily.
of human settlements dating from the Neolithic Age were discovered
in the neighboring hills. The neighboring area known as Cozzo di
Apollo is said to have been the site of Kasmenai, the mysterious
Greek town. According to historical sources, present-day’s
Comiso was founded in the area between Kamarina and Akrai, where
ruins of Greek and Roman buildings have been found. Worth-mentioning
is a Roman floor mosaic brought to light nearby the Fonte Diana
(Fountain of Diana). An hamlet known as Comicio and then Jhomiso
was growing nearby to become a city under the Aragon rule. In that
time, Federico Speciario, the Lord of the town, ordered the construction
of a group of fortified posts and a castle. The city was ruled by
Berengaro da Lubera and Giovanni Chiaramonte, and then assimilated
into the County of Modica. Afterwards, it passed to the noble Riggio
family and to Bernardo Cabrera, Count of Modica, who sold it to
the Nasellis to solve his financial difficulties.
Nasellis, a local aristocratic family, possessed it till the 18th
century, contributing to its extraordinary economical and social
growth, especially during the 16th century, when, for the important
services offered to the Kingdom of Sicily, it even became a County.
Gaspare II Naselli was the first Count. The 17th century saw a political
decline, due, on the one side, to the growth of the close hamlet
of Vittoria, that would draw many Comiso’s peasants and families,
and, on the other, to natural disasters, like a terrible plague
in 1624 and the earthquake in 1693. The town soon regained its former
splendor thanks to new sumptuous buildings in the typical Sicilian
Baroque style. The Nasellis also fostered the industrial development:
a paper factory was established in 1729, and a soap factory in 1742,
managed by Filippo Sallemi and Biagio Guarino, two local craft-masters
trained at the celebrated school of Messina. In that period the
Nasellis encountered financial difficulties, hence forced to sell
their properties. Their estates were acquired by local peasants
and landlords.
feudal system about to end, Comiso and all Sicily were entering
a time of deepest social renewal, politically characterized by the
Bourbon’s rise to throne, and later, by the Italian Kingdom’s
annexation of Sicily. During Fascism, a military airport was established
in Comiso, converted into an American missile-base in the eighties
and later disarmed.
is still Comiso’s main industry. Its fertile grounds are mainly
cultivated with early-fruit, fruit and vegetables that are exported
to all Italy. The close market of Vittoria has played a critical
role in the marketing of its products. Nevertheless, industry, here
established earlier than in the rest of Sicily, has well developed.
The building industry is especially important, thanks to the famous
Stone of Comiso, exported worldwide. A great number of factories,
including soap and paper factories – that provide evidence
for the earliest industrialization of this area – are scattered
across its territory.
has a baroque look almost entirely resulting from the post-quake
Naselli castle, an icon of the city, is of Gothic origin, which
is shown by two portals and the orthogonal tower decorated with
14th century paintings. A precious floor mosaic adorned the entire
building and is now preserved in the municipal Library. The Fontana
di Diana, rising in the central Piazza del Municipio, collects the
water, once flowing into the public baths whose ruins lie under
today’s Town Hall. The fountain was completed in 1937 by sculptor
Diano from Spoleto.
Piazza accommodates numerous private and public buildings, among
which are the Palazzo Comunale (the town hall), with a big entrance
and a splendid flight of stairs, the Palazzo Iacono-Ciarcià
and the Palazzo Occhipinti, one of the most beautiful buildings
in town, with its elegant baroque façade attributed to Gagliardi
(author of the San Giorgio’s in Ragusa). Remains of floor
mosaics and thermal baths were brought to light along the road connecting
Piazza Fonte Diana and Piazza delle Erbe. The latter accommodates
the Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Stelle, whose front elevation rises
on three tiers of Doric, Ionic and Corinthian pilasters. There also
is a roofed market, dating from 1871, that houses the Museo Civico
Kasmeneo (Kasmeneo Municipal Museum) – displaying collections
of cetaceous animals and sea turtles – and the Biblioteca
di Bufalino (Gesualdo Bufalino Library), founded by the famous writer,
native of Comiso, recently died. The Chiesa di San Francesco dating
back to the 12th century was later enriched with the Naselli chapel,
an impressive specimen of the Sicilian architecture, combining numerous
and diverse styles. The Mother Church, with a splendid façade
rising on two tiers of parastas, and the 18th century three-naves’
Chiesa della Santissima Annunziata complete the tour. The latter,
built on the former Chiesa di San Nicola, has undergone many restorations
and refurbishments. After the 1693 earthquake the works were entrusted
to the celebrated architect Vaccarini, a major author of the post-quake
reconstruction of Catania. |
Chiaramonte Gulfi
Monterosso Almo
Santacroce Camerina
Cava D'Ispica
Castello di Donnafugata Camarina
Cava d'Aliga
Marina di Modica
Marina di Ragusa
Punta Secca
Punta Braccetto
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